6.0 HD


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"Tere Bin Laden" is a tongue-in-cheek comedy about an ambitious young news reporter from Pakistan who is desperate to migrate to the US in pursuit of the American dream. His repeated attempts to immigrate are shot down as his visa is always rejected. But when things couldn't look worse he comes across an Osama bin Laden look alike. Ali then hatches a scheme to produce a fake Osama video and sell it to news channels as a breakthrough scoop! Unfortunately there are serious ramifications as the White House gets involved and dispatches a overzealous secret agent on Ali's trail.


  • 9.0 HD 超级经纪人 蔡卓妍,杜汶泽 Chapman To,高晟晖,王祖蓝,钟欣潼,何炅,谢霆锋,泳儿,霍汶希,张敬轩,张继聪,吴浩康,卢海鹏,郑希怡,陆永,车婉婉,张致恒,洛诗,思漩,庄洁梦,谢佳妤,许靖韵,张芷芊,王敏奕
  • 8.0 HD 篮球冠军 哈维尔·古铁雷斯,雅典娜·玛塔,胡安·马加略,路易莎·加瓦萨
  • 3.0 正片 澳门风云2 周润发,张家辉,刘嘉玲,余文乐,王诗龄,胡然,姜大卫,童飞,吴樾,金巧巧,黄德斌,姜皓文,曾国祥,袁泉,曾志伟,陈百祥,孟瑶,刘德华
  • 2.0 正片 广东五虎之铁拳无敌孙中山国语 谭咏麟,钟镇涛,陈友,彭健新,区瑞强,陈法蓉,陈百祥,郑嘉颖,蔡一智,蔡一杰,宣萱,谷峰,关淑怡,黎彼得,罗慧娟,梁家仁,梁荣忠,雷有晖,陆剑明,龙天生,莫文蔚,吴国敬,成奎安,苏志威,苏永康,戴志伟,崔嘉宝,钟荣,黄秋生,黄一山,王馨平,黄一飞,苑琼丹
  • 6.0 正片 旺夫魔女 保罗·纽曼,雪莉·麦克雷恩,罗伯特·米彻姆,迪恩·马丁,吉恩·凯利,罗伯特·卡明斯,迪克·范·戴克
  • 5.0 HD 家有喜事2009 古天乐,吴君如,黄百鸣,郑中基,姚晨,郭涛,沈丽君

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